Free & Low-Cost

Job Search Tools

This is our suite of free and low-cost tools to help you add some method to the madness that is the job search.

Low Cost Tools for Just Getting Started

  • Price: Free

    This is a collection of some of the best resume templates on the web. I’ve searched high and low, so you don’t have to. This collection features both design-forward templates as well as ATS-friendly templates that catch the eye of recruiters and hiring managers alike.

  • Price: Free

    This is a collection of some of the best cover letter templates on the web. I’ve searched high and low, so you don’t have to. This collection features design-forward templates that catch the eye of recruiters and hiring managers alike.

  • Price: Free

    Need help figuring out what you’re looking for in your next gig or what to ask for from your network? Get the ‘My Vision’ tools to take you through an exercise that will help you clarify what you want most in your work life.

  • Price: $5

    Interviews can be nerve-wrecking. Don’t let the stress get the best of you. Use this tool to collect your thoughts and prepare for the big day.


Where do I start?

For a quick start, download the free tools and start with your resume. If you’re an executive, use the Executive Collection to really help you stand out. If you need help refining what you want in your next job, start with the ‘My Vision’ package.

What is ATS?

Many large companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to manage the application process. This is a system that collects, scans, and evaluates your resume based on keywords. ATS makes work easier for recruiters, but harder for employees because the ATS really focuses on keywords and can’t read certain file types, design-forward formatting, and graphics or charts well.

What many job seekers don't realize is that 75 percent of job applications are rejected before they are seen by human eyes. Use one of the ATS-friendly templates in our Resume Collection.

For more information, visit Top Resume or The Muse.

What People Are Saying


“Lajuanda exceeded all of my expectations.”

— Lauren A., Singularity University


“If I ever get the opportunity to hire her again - I would do it without thinking twice. It is very rare to work with such exceptional talent. I am privileged to have had the opportunity.”

—Rabiah B., Incentive Awards Program


“Lajuanda is amazing! I’m so glad I participated in the Reinvent Your Resume Workshop. I wish I would have told more people about it!”

—Heidi S., Reinvent Your Resume Workshop Participant

“Lajuanda is one of the most detail-oriented people I have had the pleasure of working with. She is a great source of creativity and offers a fresh perspective”

— Obiamaka U., Empowering Women of Color Conference


“I truly enjoyed your resume workshop. I have participated in several prior and yours by far was the most insightful and practical. And thank you so much for the real-time coaching as well.”

— Janeen J., Reinvent Your Resume Workshop Participant